I'm tired of being everyone's counselor.
I'm tired of being everyone's lover.
I'm tired of being everyone's confidant.
Ever wonder if you're the only one going through something?? Ever wonder, "Is this normal?" or "Am I crazy?" I am here to tell you how we react to trauma and stress are normal reactions to abnormal events. Yes, I used the word NORMAL. Research says that sharing lived experiences with peers is an excellent way to help each other with your recovery and mental well-being. As my boss would say, knowing what I know, I wanted to create a blog to do just that... share lived experiences.
I'm tired of being everyone's counselor.
I'm tired of being everyone's lover.
I'm tired of being everyone's confidant.
yet you constantly see through me.
You tell me I make you feel essential,
yet you don't seem to require me.