Showing posts with label counseling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label counseling. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024

Addicted to the Jazz

When you mention 'change,' most people become anxious, break out in a cold sweat, and dread what comes next. However, there are a few of us who are...Addicted to the Jazz

I first heard this phrase from my counselor from eons ago, and I will never forget it.

First of all, my Sun sign is Sagittarius. If you're unfamiliar with zodiac signs, Sagittariuses are unafraid of change and actually embrace it. We also like to explore the unknown and learn all we can about new things. We're independent and don't back down to a challenge. In other words, we are always searching for the next thing; thus, I am ADDICTED to the JAZZ. But let me explain further...

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Is There Still a Stigma with Mental Health?

The simple answer to this question is: unfortunately, yes. Even in the days of increased 
awareness due to post-COVID and an increased suicide rate, there is still a stigma against those with mental health disorders – especially in particular communities and occupations.

I watched PBS News Hour the other day, and they had a story about commercial airline pilots and the increased concerns about overtime and declining mental health. The story also mentioned that pilots are not allowed to seek mental health counseling, much less disclose that they are living with depression or anxiety with fear of being let go. It is insanity to me that there are still major occupations that would fire someone based on them wanting to get help! So, instead, the airlines would rather have pilots who are stressed, depressed, and anxious with no coping skills and/or medication to help them stay well. Think about it next time you board a plane... that pilot has probably been overworked and has no way of coping! Does anyone want to go flying??

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